What is Respect the Drive Rewards?
Respect the Drive Rewards is an ongoing rewards program focused on retaining all our drivers, giving every driver an opportunity to earn and redeem more with us.
Program Period
The program begins on March 1, 2024 and will continue until otherwise terminated by Centerline Drivers as provided under these Program Terms.
Who is eligible for the monthly raffles?
Drivers that meet all the criteria below at the time of the monthly raffle will automatically be entered into a monthly raffle:*
*Selected winners must also meet all of the below eligibility criteria at the time of payment.
*Non-commercial drivers, clerical or warehouse employees are not eligible to participate. Drivers in all states are eligible for the monthly raffle.
What are the prizes?
A random drawing will be conducted by Centerline Drivers on the first Monday of each month for the previous month’s raffle entries. Six (6) winners will be selected each month for the prizes listed below. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible drivers in the previous month All raffle entries shall reset for each month’s raffle drawing.
When a driver wins a raffle drawing, they will receive their reward in a separate check from their weekly paycheck on the following payroll cycle. Payouts will be subject to all required taxes and garnishes.
How will the driver be notified if they are a winner?
Winners will be notified via email the first week of the month if their name has been drawn for the monthly raffle.
Additional Terms
Centerline may change or amend these Program Terms at any time, and Centerline reserves the right in its sole discretion to change, modify, alter, amend, or terminate The Respect the Drive Program at any time without notice to Centerline Drivers.
By accepting a prize pursuant to this program, Drivers understand and agree that Centerline and anyone acting on behalf of Centerline or its respective licensees, successors, and assigns, shall have the right and permission to publish the winning Centerline Driver’s name without further compensation or right of approval, unless prohibited by law. All federal and state laws apply. Any Centerline Driver that does not wish to participate in this Program may opt out by contacting marketing@centerlinedrivers.com.
Centerline Drivers agrees that all matters arising out of or relating to this Program and these Program Terms are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Washington, without respect to conflict of law doctrines. By participating in this program, Centerline Drivers agree that all disputes that cannot be resolved between the parties and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Program and these Program Terms, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, exclusively before a court located in Pierce County, Washington having jurisdiction.