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Tired of a small hiring pool? Here’s how to get more people interested in driving a truck

Article March 24, 2022 Christina DeBusk
Tired of a small hiring pool? Here’s how to get more people interested in driving a truck

Driving truck isn’t for everyone. But if you’re responsible for finding and hiring people to pick up or deliver your goods, it can be frustrating to have minimal options from which to choose.

Certainly, you can’t force people to apply for this position if they’re not interested. At the same time, there are a few things you can do to raise their interest level, giving you a larger hiring pool.

Lower the age requirement

States require that drivers be 18 to get their commercial driver’s license. If your drivers only operate in-state but you have the age requirement set at 21, lowering the minimum to this age can help you get more interested drivers. Your efforts may be even easier if you’re hiring between April and July as the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that it is during these months that the youth labor force (which applies to those between 16 and 24 years of age) is actively looking for work.

Offer driving school incentives

Another way to spark interest in driving is to offer potential drivers incentives to help them get the schooling they need to work in this position.

One option is to cover the entire cost of driving school for qualified applicants with the understanding that they must work for you for a specified period of time or they have to pay some or all of the cost back.

If this expense is too hefty for your company, even paying half or giving new hires a certain dollar amount can help. Whatever the incentive, if they must work a certain amount of time in return, put the agreement in writing before they even start the schooling.

This helps prevent the scenario where they leave before their time is up and you’re still left paying the costs.

Embrace diversity

Take a look at your recruiting materials. Do they feature only one or maybe two demographics? If so, you may be missing others who might be interested in driving truck yet don’t apply because it doesn’t appear that you’re looking for someone with their background, ethnicity, or other life experiences.

Update your recruiting materials to represent all different types of people to show that your company welcomes drivers from diverse backgrounds. At the same time, update your other marketing materials as well (your website, brochures, etc.).

This shows interested applicants that diversity is a part of your company culture, which can increase their desire to apply.

Tap into subcultures

Some people have a genuine interest in trucks but may have never thought about driving for a living. Finding and connecting with these individuals can provoke them to consider turning their interest into an occupation.

Where do you look for these types of people? There are a few different subcultures to consider.

Individuals who enjoy monster trucks, for instance, might be a good place to try. Advertise your positions at a local monster truck rally, calling on interested applicants to apply. If you have a local racetrack, this is another option too.

Look at all the places in your area where people with an interest in trucks might go and advertise your job openings there.

It’s often said that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. While that may be true, you can make the horse thirsty. These are just a few ideas that can make potential drivers thirsty for the driving positions that you need to fill.

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