2024 State of Trucking Research Report Available Now. Learn More.
Creating a workforce that stays long-term helps reduce turnover issues by focusing on driver retention. What can you do to make your truck drivers never want to leave?
While you may think of meditation as a formal practice done in yoga or by monks, it can actually be done anywhere, at any time. Learn simple meditation tips for truck drivers.
There are a few exercises that are perfect for truck drivers that can benefit you while on the job. Here are four to consider, as well as the advantages they provide.
Having the right tools can help you respond to any number of emergencies as a truck driver. This is where an emergency truck kit comes into play, and here are some essentials for packing a great kit.
If you’re responsible for finding and hiring people for truck driver positions, it can be frustrating to have minimal options. Here are a few things you can do to raise their interest level.
Mental health is a “major issue” in the driver shortage problem that many nations are now facing There are many actions truck drivers can take to feel better emotionally. Here are five to consider
More than one in four truck drivers has some level of hearing loss. Here, we highlight the importance of protecting your ears if you drive trucks for a living with a few tips to help.
Taking action to attract more women drivers offers companies many benefits. While all of this is great, truck driving jobs don’t always appeal to women. What can you do to increase your appeal?
Drivers leave their positions all the time. Sometimes it is because they’ve put in years of service and are ready to retire. No matter what the reason, truck driver turnover comes at a cost.
The holiday season can be great in that it allows us to spend more time with the people we love. It can also be not-so-great by adding more to our already busy schedules. Here are seven self-care tips
We are committed to making your transition from active duty service member to civilian truck driver a success. That’s why we wanted to share a few tips for this process.
The better you’re prepared to withstand the increase in demand during peak season, the better your company will survive the longer days and new logistical challenges. This begins with making a plan.