Author: Christina DeBusk


Tips for flatbed truck drivers to maximize safety and efficiency

Flatbed truck drivers are critical to keeping our country up and running. Here are a few tips that can help keep you and your load safe while maximizing your efficiency.


The true costs of a sitting truck

Having a truck that doesn’t leave your yard or facility can impact your company in a number of different ways. What are the true costs of a sitting truck?


Hire drivers with these soft skills & you’ll be glad you did

When hiring a new truck driver, it’s important to find someone who knows how to operate a truck and has a good driving record. But a driver’s soft skills are equally as critical.


7 ways to help reduce the driver shortage

Companies everywhere are having trouble finding and retaining qualified drivers. What can your business do to minimize the effects of the truck driver shortage?


Why it’s important for drivers to have work-life balance

Half of employees admit that finding and keeping some type of equilibrium between their job and home life is a struggle. What happens if the person who is grappling with this issue works as a driver?


What autonomous trucking means for the transportation industry: A 5-year projection

There are many companies trying to automate the transportation industry. But what does all of this mean for the transportation industry over the next five years?


Diversity in trucking: Are you in line with recent industry trends?

Diversity and inclusion have been hot topics in recent years. Knowing what these trends look like both outside and within the trucking industry can help you better identify where your company stands.


Preventing distracted driving as a truck driver

As a truck driver, there are quite a few things you can do to help lower these numbers and reduce your distractions while on the road for work. Here are a few to consider.


How to combat back, shoulder and knee pain as a truck driver

Truck drivers are a higher risk for back, shoulder and knee pain. But what causes each type of pain and, more importantly, how can you help ease it? We've gathered a few tips for truck drivers.