The top 5 stories you missed in 2021

2021 has been a busy year to say the least. But we’ve got you covered—in one easy list. Here are the top five pieces of content our readers loved most this year.

1. What is the cost of an empty truck? [Info Sheet]

The cost of having a truck sit empty is high. And it can quickly impact an operation’s bottom line. Not sure how much empty trucks cost your business? Find out now.

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2. 5 ways to motivate drivers to follow your safety program

Are you still seeing a disconnect between the goals of your safety program and the attitudes and behaviors of your drivers? If so, you may need to reevaluate how you’re motivating them to be committed to safety while driving.

We’ve gathered five best practices to help you get started.

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3. 5 tips to prepare for peak season early

Getting an early start on hiring for peak season is always a good business move. Starting early allows you adequate time to determine your business needs and find and hire the right drivers.

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4. 7 ways to help reduce the driver shortage

Companies everywhere are having trouble finding and retaining qualified drivers.

Many drivers are leaving their jobs in an attempt to find work that pays more, offers better benefits, and provides more appealing working conditions. What can your business do to minimize the effects of the driver shortage so you can continue to provide your goods and services? Here are a few options to consider.

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5. What autonomous trucking means for the transportation industry: A 5-year projection

Many companies trying to automate the transportation industry. Several others are also working to solve the issues created by taking drivers out of trucks in the hopes of a driverless delivery system. But what does all of this mean for the transportation industry over the next five years?

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Want more of the latest trucking content? Click to peruse our content library.

The top 5 driver stories you missed in 2021

2021 has been a busy year to say the least. But we’ve got you covered—in one easy list. Here are the top five pieces of content that drivers loved most this year.

1. How to master the 5 principles of Smith System driving

There are many types of driving systems to choose from, but one of the most common is the Smith System.The Smith System is based on using five rules when operating a motor vehicle and aims to provide space, visibility and time to reduce the chance of a major accident. As you very well know, while driving a truck a couple of seconds can make the difference between avoiding an accident or being in one. 

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2. Inattentional Blindness: What it is and how it impacts you

Inattentional blindness or perceptual blindness is as a psychological lack of attention that is not associated with any defects or deficits. In simple terms, its an event where someone fails to see an unexpected stimulus in plain sight.

It is becoming more and more common while driving due to modern advancements pulling our attention away from the road. As a truck driver, it can happen when you have been driving for long periods of time, lose focus by thinking of other things while driving and or are distracted by something such as your radio.  

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3. Announcing our new Driver Safety Recognition Program

Here at Centerline, our team takes pride in our drivers and ensuring the safety of those around them. We want to recognize our safest drivers that go above and beyond. Our new Driver Safety Recognition Program will reward drivers who make safety a priority.

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4. Driver Safety Checklist

Here at Centerline, keeping our drivers safe is always your number one priority. This checklist is a tool to help drivers double check their trucks to eliminate downtime, violations and mitigate incidents on the road.

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5. 10 simple tips for safe winter driving

When the temperatures plunge and the snow starts falling, even the most experienced truck drivers can have a hard time. Reduced traction on icy roads and poor visibility can make driving a truck very dangerous in the winter. There are a few steps you can take to help you stay safe this winter.

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Want more of the latest trucking content? Click to peruse our content library.

5 tips for attracting and hiring veterans as truck drivers

Members of the military make countless sacrifices to keep this country safe. But when they are back home, transitioning into civilian life can often be difficult. This is especially true when it comes to finding employment. Many veterans may feel that their skill sets do not translate easily into civilian jobs.

However, many veterans are uniquely qualified to become truck drivers but may not realize it. With some recruiting tweaks and the right resources in place, you can provide veterans with new job opportunities as drivers. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Use programs already in place

Keep in mind that many military members are already qualified to drive trucks and can transition quickly into civilian driving. Under the Military Skills Test Waiver Program, as long as drivers have had two years’ experience safely operating military vehicles similar to those driven commercially, this portion of the test can be waived. That is, as long as they apply within one year of having a military position that provided this driving experience. There are a few other requirements that have to be met as well, but the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that more than 19,000 current and former military personnel have already received this waiver. This is a potential untapped resource to help attract more military drivers into truck driving.

2. Use the right language

Veterans often have very applicable skills for truck driving, but often the language used in military settings is different in civilian ones. It would be helpful to get a working understanding of Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) codes. These codes are used to describe job qualifications in the military. While there is some variability among branches of the military, they can help give you a general idea of who to look for. A good resource for this is O*Net, which can help you search through MOS codes that might be applicable to your operation for driving or support roles.

3. Understand military culture

A key to attracting veterans or family members of veterans into truck driving is understanding basic military culture. This includes structure, policies, beliefs and values. This can differ from each branch of the military, but many are universal. In order to connect with veterans and build a strong relationship, it would be helpful to have a veteran on staff to help recruit with veteran candidates. They can provide unique insight into how to word job descriptions and interview veterans to attract the best drivers.

4. Provide support when necessary

Transitioning back into the workforce is a major change. So, it’s not unreasonable to think that there may be a few challenges with hired veterans along the way. Outline ways to show support and provide help with anyone who may be struggling. You want to be able to help them overcome obstacles and answer questions or access resources.

5. Work with local military organizations

If you have a military veteran on staff, they can be a great resource to help walk you through recruiting them into truck driving. If you don’t or want to expand your reach, there are many community veterans organizations that may be able to help. These include your local Veterans Service Organization, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) post, American Legion post or USO. There are also a variety of non-profits and outreach programs that work to transition and employee veterans. It may be worth creating a partnership with these organizations to help them create a place for qualified military drivers to transition easily.

At Centerline, we pride ourselves on helping veterans transition to the civilian workforce and finding them trucking jobs. We can help your company find qualified veterans to keep your company moving forward. Learn more and request drivers here.

NPTC Safety Article- October 2021 -Avoid Deer Strikes and Accidents

It is deer season, and now is a good time to remind you of the dangers of animals on the roadway. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety estimates, as a result of the booming deer population, 1.5 million deer related accidents occur each year. Deer are struck in three out of four accidents involving animals. Nationally, collisions between deer and vehicles cause around $1 billion in vehicle damage, kill 150 people and injure another 29,000 people every year.

Crashes with deer are most likely to occur in late fall during deer breeding, migration and hunting season – from mid-October to mid-December – when deer are more active. Here are some tips to avoid accidents with deer this year. 

If you want more driving safety tips, check out our safety content library here

Congratulations to our Q3 Safety Recognition Program winners!

Here at Centerline, our team takes pride in our drivers and ensuring the safety of those around them. We want to recognize our safest drivers that go above and beyond. Our new Driver Safety Recognition Program rewards drivers who make safety a priority.

Our second round of winners are here! They were nominated and recognized this quarter for outstanding safety practices and paid a bonus reward.

Winner #1: Glenn Adams

Winner #2: Ernest Williams

Winner #3: Joe George

Thank you again to Glenn, Ernest and Joe for their dedication to keeping our roads safer each day. Check back next back quarter for our new round of safe drivers or read more about our recognition program here.

Congratulations to our Respect the Driver contest winners

We were so thrilled to celebrate our Respect the Drive™ month in September. One of the ways we recognized some of our remarkable drivers by raffling off some amazing prizes.

Below are the winners of our Respect the Drive™ contest. 

Third place: Won an exclusive Centerline shirt

  • Jacqueline Fissel
  • Don Shelton
  • Ronny Broussard
  • Perry Goudeau
  • Kenneth Guy

Second place: Won a $50 Walmart gift card and a Centerline shirt

  • Enoch Thomas

First place: Won a $200 Walmart gift card and a Centerline shirt

  • Douglas Stelling

Grand prize: Won a YETI cooler and a Centerline shirt

  • Carlos Alcala

Congratulations to all our winners! Thank you for all you do for Centerline and for all those who made Respect the Drive™ month so special!

NPTC Safety Article- September 2021 -International Roadcheck Results

Pre-trip inspections are often overlooked. But driver-vehicle inspection reports (DVIR) are a key part of daily operations. Learn more about what makes an effective pre-inspection with this exclusive webinar. 

Are you prepared for peak season? [Checklist]

Peak season can be a busy and stressful time. Making sure your business and drivers are prepared is critical to achieving a successful peak. Use our checklist to see how ready you are for the upcoming season.

Download the checklist

Respect the Drive [Playlist]

You are the heart of the road and our lifeline to keep America moving. We want to honor the dedication that you put behind the wheel every day by Respecting the Drive

September is Respect the Drive Month and we’ve made a Spotify playlist of some of our favorite driving songs to help keep you occupied and entertained this month.

If you’re not already a subscriber to Spotify, you can download the app for free on both iPhone and Android.

Enjoy the sounds of this Respect the Drive mix. 

NPTC Safety Article- August 2021 -Back To School Driving Tips

As summer comes to a close, children of all ages are returning to school. With more people driving on the interstates and more children walking on the side of the road or waiting for school buses, expect to see a lot more people on the roads and a lot more erratic driving. 

According to a report by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHSTA), autumn is the most dangerous time of year for pedestrians, with 29% of all pedestrian-related fatalities. Pedestrian-vehicle injuries are a leading cause of death for children ages 5-14, so keep these refresher tips  in mind this coming fall.

If you want more driving safety tips, check out our safety content library here

Respect the Drive contest: Enter now for your chance to win!

Our drivers deserve recognition all year round, but to celebrate in style, we’re taking over the entire month of September each year to recognize and reward not only Centerline Drivers, but all truck drivers across the country.

Respect the Drive contest rules

To kick things off, we will be hosting a contest September 1-30, 2022 asking drivers the question What do you appreciate most about the truck driving industry?”

Each submission into the contest will be entered into a raffle drawing for great prizes. Visit the contest page below to enter.

Enter Now


  • GRAND PRIZE: YETI Cooler and a Respect the Drive T-shirt
  • 1st Place: $200 gift card and a Respect the Drive T-shirt
  • 2nd Place: $50 gift card and a Respect the Drive T-shirt
  • 3rd place: 5 people will receive a Respect the Drive T-Shirt

Winners will be announced the week of October 10th, 2022.

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Respect the Drive™: A tribute to our drivers

The drive and commitment of truckers is hard to measure. They put in long hours on the road, day in and day out to get the job done. At Centerline, our drivers are like our family and the focus of everything we do.

We’re excited to announce our new program built just for our drivers called Respect the Drive™. Our employees wanted to honor our great drivers and the hard work they do in this tribute video.