Preventing driver fatigue: Tips to stay awake and healthy on the road

Sleep deprivation and fatigue has always been a hurdle for truck drivers. But not being alert as a driver can create a variety of problems. Not only are you at a higher risk of causing an accident due to an impaired response time, but chronic fatigue is bad for your general health and longevity.

In fact, the Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) reported that 13 percent of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers were considered to have been fatigued at the time of their crash.

Learn some tips to reduce driver fatigue to stay alert and safe on the road.

Tips to prevent driver fatigue

1.Maintain a healthy lifestyle

An easy way to ensure a good night’s sleep is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating regularly or eating at odd times can make your blood sugar irregular and impact your ability to fall asleep. Also eating big meals or going to bed hungry can also keep your awake. Having healthy snacks with you can make sure that you’re always properly fueled and able to get a good night’s sleep.

Also generally practicing healthy habits like staying hydrated and cutting off caffeine in the afternoon can help ensure you are able to fall asleep normally and naturally.

2.Create an optimal sleeping environment

When you are falling asleep, there are some things you can do to create an ideal sleep environment. Having the room at a cool temperature, minimizing light and noise and getting off electronic devices an hour before bed are all tried and true methods. Experiment with your bedroom environment to figure out what works best for you and your needs.

3.Try not to drive when your body get naturally sleepy

While it is always recommended to get an adequate amount of sleep each night, it’s also a good idea not to drive when your body gets naturally sleepy. This is typically between the hours of 12-6 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.

This is not always possible but it’s something to keep in mind if you’ve been getting less sleep than normal.

4.Know the signs of drowsiness

Know when you are getting drowsy and tired before it becomes a hazard. Some signs include frequent yawning, blurry vision, heavy eyes or trouble focusing. Learn how your body tells you that it’s tired and respond accordingly.

5.Take a nap

When safe, you should take a nap when feeling drowsy or are becoming less alert. A good nap is at least 10 minutes long but less than 45 minutes. More than that can impact your ability to fall asleep later. Always allow 15-20 minutes to fully wake up from a nap before continuing to drive.

What doesn’t work

With these tips, there is also things you shouldn’t be doing or trying. The only true method of conquering fatigue is adequate sleep. Coffee, nicotine, soft drinks, and energy drinks are not conducive to a healthy lifestyle or staying safe on the road. Things like blasting the radio or opening a window are alertness “tricks” that don’t actually help you stay awake or alert safety on the road. If you are becoming sleepy or drowsy while driving, you should pull over at a safe location and rest.

Importance of proper hydration for truck drivers

Drinking enough water is critical to both your mental and physical health as a truck driver. Although it can be tempting to not drink a lot of water in order to eliminate stops, the consequences of that to your health can be detrimental.

Learn how drinking more water can benefit your health and learn how to increase your water intake.

The benefits of proper hydration

The benefits of drinking enough water is almost too many to list. Basically all body functions are impacted in some way by water and can easily go awry if you are not properly hydrated. Here are just a few of the benefits:

Promotes cardio health: Dehydration lowers your blood volume. This means that your body has to work even harder to pump blood through your body to get enough oxygen to your cells.

Cleanses your body: Your kidneys are the organs that can help filter waste out of your body. Without water, your kidneys cannot function properly.

Keeps your body cool: If you are dehydrated, it takes longer for the blood vessels to expand and cool your body down.

Keeps muscles and joints working properly: Water is critical to ensuring your muscles get proper nutrition and lubricating joints.

Increased alertness:  Your brain is very impacted by how hydrated you are. Studies show that even mild dehydration can impair aspects of brain function, mood, concentration and alertness.

Reduced stress on the body and mind: Being dehydrated generally creates stress in the body. Not having enough water to do bodily functions slows down and stresses your internal organs. The stress of dehydration also stresses your body and impacts mental health and focus.

Ways to stay hydrated

Now that you know how important hydration is, it is time to switch focus on how to stay properly hydrated. These 3 tips can help you work towards reaching proper hydration.

1. Set goals

The first step to making sure you are properly hydrated is to figure out how much water your body actually needs. 8 glasses is the standard rule of thumb but that may not be adequate for everyone. A better rule to follow is to drink between ½-1 ounce of water for each pound you weight. For example, a 180 pound person should drink between 90 and 180 ounces of water a day.

To find out if you are drinking enough water is to check the color of your urine (it should be clear) and also to monitor if you are thirsty throughout the day. Thirst is an indicator that your body is already dehydrated so the goal is always to drink enough water that you are rarely thirsty.

2. Track your water

Now that you’ve set your water goal, the next step is to track it. There are a few ways to do this.

There are a many water bottles on the market now that track the amount of ounces you are drinking. Tracking your water is also now as easy as entering it into an app. Many fitness apps have water trackers and there are separate water tracking apps that track ounces and remind you to drink water if you are behind on your daily goal.

3. Add flavor

It can often be difficult to drink more water if you are used to drinking soda or energy drinks with sugar and flavor.

But drinking more water doesn’t have to be boring. There a quite a few options for making your water more flavorful. Adding fruit, vegetables or herbs to your water is a healthy way to bump up the flavor in your water. You can also add sugar-free water enhancements like lemonade or other flavors. There are a lot of options available at your local grocery store. Even making iced tea without sugar is a good way to consume more water. Herbal tea is an even better option because it doesn’t contain caffeine and often has additional health benefits.

Experiment what works for you and what helps you drink more water throughout your day.

How to prevent pallet-related injuries

Pallet injuries are very common in industrial and warehouse settings as people often do not store them correctly or use them as stepping stools. 

If you have a warehouse and store products on pallets, you may not be aware that they present one of the most common workplace hazards.  The most common injuries around pallets are when workers trip over, step on or fall on them.  Many workers hurt themselves because they did not see the pallet or weren’t aware that it could break if stepped on. 

Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to reduce the chances of pallet-related injuries.

Primary precautions:

  • Pallets should be stored flat on the ground.
  • Make sure there are no nails sticking out of pallet boards.
  • Ensure all the boards of the pallet are secure and not loose.
  • Use gloves when handling pallets to avoid splinters or cuts from shards of wood.
  • If a pallet is too heavy to move, workers should ask for assistance.
  • Check that pallet stacks are stable.
  • Be sure the load is stable on the pallet before moving.
  • Discard broken wood pieces to prevent tripping hazards.

Injury prevention:

  • Do not step on a pallet. They are not built for humans to use as stepping stools, and boards can break.
  • Do not use a pallet with broken boards. Fix it or discard it.
  • Do not store pallets on their sides. They can injure someone if they topple over.
  • Do not step over pallets. Instead, walk around them.

5 Tips to Prepare for Peak Season Early

Getting an early start on hiring for peak season is always a good business move. Starting early allows you adequate time to determine your business needs and find and hire the right drivers.

This year, however, getting an early start on peak season is absolutely essential. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unique challenges.

Start preparing for peak season now with the following tips.

1. Create a plan

The saying “luck favors the prepared” is a common saying. This is especially true when preparing for peak. Planning ahead can help anticipate problems before they happen.

It’s best to start planning by reflecting on your past peak seasons. Outline what worked and what didn’t. Then build a plan to address any shortcomings and define improvements.

Take into account that there are new obstacles in place for this season.

2. Prepare for continued obstacles

COVID-19 has created new obstacles for keeping your drivers safe while still maintaining efficiency.

Drivers are still looking for increased safety measures and clients most likely are as well. Making sure your drivers and any staff members are supplied with the proper personal protection equipment (PPE) and sanitation supplies. Ensure you are properly cleaning trucks and following best practices.

3. Increase communication

Communication is even more important than it has been during past peak seasons.

Increasing the lines of communication between you and your drivers can help address any issues in timely manner. This is also important during current times so that you can learn any concerns drivers are having about their personal safety and hear any suggestions.

This peak also means that you’ll need to increase communication with your supply chain, vendors and clients. You’ll want to keep ahead of any delays, changes in protocol or any concerns by any party.

4. Always think about weather

Weather can always throw a wrench into the best laid peak season plans. Having contingency plans in place can help mitigate delays.

During summer peak, that means planning for more traffic, construction and heat. With more vehicles on the road, fleets can anticipate a higher rate of accidents due to closer vehicle spacing, and a higher rate of incidents due to overheating vehicles,

During holiday peak, this means planning for unexpected snow storms or other inclement weather. 

To combat these issues, fleets can be proactive by creating alternate routes to help drivers avoid bottlenecks  and delays whenever possible. Fleets should also account for traffic by lengthening shipment windows whenever possible. This will make routes seem more achievable for drivers, and help limit frustrations.

5. Find a trusted partner

A surefire way to help prepare for a successful peak is to find a trusted partner. A partner like Centerline can help you find qualified drivers to keep your trucks moving during the most critical seasons. We work with you to tailor a solution to your specific business needs and find expertly matched drivers.

3 tips to combat the truck driver shortage

The driver shortage is a problem that has plagued the industry for 15 years. Due to a tight labor market and an increasing average age of truck drivers, the driver shortage is expected to swell in the next decade. According to the American Trucking Association, the shortage could reach 160,000 drivers by 2028 If current trends hold.

Our recent State of Trucking survey also echoed this sentiment. About half of employers surveyed are having a difficult time filling open driver positions.

And while there are many options to help combat the shortage like increasing pay or modifying hiring requirements, there are some additional things to help the industry attract more drivers.

1. Invest in training

Proper training can help increase retention and attract new drivers to the industry. Many people are intimidated by driving a truck and promoting the extensive training provided can help mitigate those fears.

Having older drivers help train new drivers can also boost morale and help pass down legacy knowledge to the new generation of drivers. And proper training helps to reduce turnover with your current drivers and opens lines of communication between drivers and management.

2. Work to attract new populations to truck driving

Although it has taken awhile to turn the corner, companies are embracing diversity as a quick, efficient and socially responsible way to curb the driver shortage.

If you aren’t already, consider diversifying your hiring practices to attract different populations and women to the trucking industry. Many companies have found success by using a variety of recruiting tactics such as local news, radio and internal recommendations. Companies who have found success with this have reached out to their current minority drivers and asked where they turn to for local community news. There are many ways to do this and you’ll have to figure out what’s best for the community you live in but widening who is deemed a truck driver can bring new life into your recruitment practices.

3. Find a trusted partner

If you are having trouble finding qualified drivers because of the shortage, consider partnering with a trusted company like Centerline. Centerline can help you find qualified drivers fast.

Our average time to hire is 5 times faster than the industry average, meaning less disruptions to your day-to-day operations.

3 reasons why Centerline’s safety program is different

According to our recent State of Trucking 2021 survey, the number one thing that keeps employers up at night is driver safety.

With Centerline Drivers, you can rest easy. Like you, we are serious about safety and have over 40 years of perfect DOT audits to prove it.

But what makes our safety program different from others?

1. Tailored safety programs

At Centerline, we tailor each safety program to our clients’ needs. We can hire and train drivers on a wide range of trucks and equipment, so you are never without the correct driver for the job.

Have a history of incidents? We can focus on safety efforts on your specific operational needs. We are a partner with our customers and we want each and every safety program to be about them.

In addition, Centerline works with each customer to conduct site evaluations and safety audits on request.

2. Effective communication and training programs

Centerline can quickly and effectively communicate any safety measures to our drivers. We have a centralized safety support team and a 24/7 service center for drivers to access the information they need.

With our centralized system and team in place, we can reach drivers with the same consistent message in real time so everyone receives the same communication.  This helps make sure drivers can stay on top of new compliance and safety protocols

3. In-house expertise

Our excellent DOT safety audit record is due to our experience in safety. We have a dedicated in-house safety and compliance team to ensure every Centerline driver is always in full DOT compliance.

Our experienced recruiting, service and safety teams work in partnership with each driver and customer to meet or exceed all DOT compliance and safety standards.

Want to experience the Centerline difference? Request drivers to get started today.

Are you prepared for spring driving? 5 tips to stay safe

Winter may have released its icy grasp, but spring brings a new set of road condition issues. From weather to safety to maintenance, drivers can take these steps to keep their vehicles and themselves safe as weather warms up and traffic increases.

Centerline Drivers presents these tips based on discussions with industry safety leaders, including the National Private Truck Council, to help all drivers make the most of their next road trip or commute.

If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes

Sunshine, warmth … and ice? Spring weather can be just as unpredictable as winter. With fluctuating temperatures, rain, hail and even tornadoes, you need to be prepared for everything, including ice, which can form when temperatures drop at night. Stay ready by checking the weather before you leave and having a weather app on your phone.

Beware of water

When it’s wet slow down – even a little water can cause hydroplaning. Be careful of underpasses, bridges or anywhere else where there’s standing water. You don’t want to get stuck in a deeper-than-expected pool. And if rain or hail diminish visibility, slow down or stop where and when it’s safe to do so.

Do your spring cleaning

After a long winter, your vehicle can be worn out from dealing with salt, sand, snow, ice and cold. Take time to give your vehicle an inspection. Use spring as a time to check tire tread, lights, wipers and brakes. And treat your vehicle to a wash – getting rid of salt and grime will not only make it look nice, but also prevent rust that can damage the vehicle and cause safety hazards.

Give ‘em a brake

Nicer weather means increased traffic and the start of construction projects. It can also mean potholes and traction problems from salt and sand left on the roads. Use a GPS device to find an alternate route around construction or traffic, slow down in construction zones and around potholes and always keep distance between the vehicle in front of you.

Watch for wildlife

As weather warms up, animals start to come out. Be watchful for animals on or near the road, slow down and don’t swerve if you encounter one in the road.

“Whether you’re a professional driver, commuting for work or taking a road trip, staying safe on the roads is always a top priority,” said Jill Quinn, president of Centerline Drivers. “Following these tips will ensure that all drivers protect themselves and everyone around them while safely getting to their destinations.”

Read more tips on navigating seasonality in the transportation industry. 

Country Driving [Playlist]

We know truck driving can be stressful and sometimes lonely.

Finding things to pass the time and keep yourself focused on the road can be difficult. Music is  one of the best ways to keep yourself entertained, but the radio doesn’t always cut it.

We’ve made Spotify playlists of some of our favorite driving songs for your listening pleasure.

If you’re not already a subscriber to Spotify, you can download the app for free on both iPhone and Android.

Enjoy this country sounds driving playlist. 

90s Truck Driving [Playlist]

We know truck driving can be stressful and sometimes lonely.

Finding things to pass the time and keep yourself focused on the road can be difficult. Music is  one of the best ways to keep yourself entertained, but the radio doesn’t always cut it.

We’ve made Spotify playlists of some of our favorite driving songs for your listening pleasure.

If you’re not already a subscriber to Spotify, you can download the app for free on both iPhone and Android.

Enjoy this 90s themed drive.

Truck Driving Songs [Playlist]

We know truck driving can be stressful and sometimes lonely. 

Finding things to pass the time and keep yourself focused on the road can be difficult. Music is  one of the best ways to keep yourself entertained, but the radio doesn’t always cut it.

We’ve made Spotify playlists of some of our favorite driving songs for your listening pleasure.

If you’re not already a subscriber to Spotify, you can download the app for free on both iPhone and Android.

5 must ask questions when choosing the best driver partner [Checklist]

Finding the driving staffing provider for your business isn’t always easy to find, but it can be if you ask the right questions.

What questions should you ask yourself when considering a partner to help supplement your driver workforce?

Here are 5 must ask questions when choosing the right driving staffing provider for your business.

Need to increase your fleet of qualified drivers quickly? Learn how our RampUp service can help you scale your drivers – up or down- based on your business needs.

Download our checklist

Preventing Truck Driving Accidents [Infographic]

At Centerline, the safety of our drivers is always our highest priority. To celebrate National Safety Month, we’ve put together a quick guide on preventing accidents on the road due to distracted driving or fatigue. Stay safe this month and every month.