Centerline Cab Chats – Guillermo C.

Centerline has been delivering superior staffing service to fleet operators and good jobs to qualified drivers since its founding in 1975. We specialize in one thing: transportation. We have deep, focused expertise in recruiting, compliance and safety. We offer nationwide coverage from our network of branches in 40 U.S. markets and from our centralized service center that’s available 24/7.

How to Finish Your Centerline Application

Finishing your application is easy! Once completed, Centerline will work to find the right driving job for you. One application opens up multiple job opportunities!

Why a staffing partner is your best bet in times of uncertainty

Whether it’s natural disasters, global pandemics or market changes, uncertainty can happen at any time. But in the transportation industry, uncertainty can ripple quickly and cause major problems in your business and beyond.

Having a staffing partner like Centerline Drivers in your corner can ensure your business keeps moving forward, even when the unpredictable happens. Learn more about how a staffing partner can help.

1. Scalability

The biggest advantage of having a staffing partner for your business is scalability. It can be difficult to predict the ups and downs of the trucking market. With a sitting truck costing upwards of $1,500 a day, it can be costly to weather market storms.

A trusted staffing partner like Centerline Drivers means you have always have the qualified drivers you need at the right time. Through ups and downs, our expert recruiters can adjust to meet your demand and unique business goals. 

2. Reliability

A staffing partner creates certainty in uncertain times. With a provider like Centerline, you can trust that you’ll have qualified drivers and reliable support. We offer a variety of driver solutions that we can tailor to fit your business needs.  With Centerline, you never have to worry about having the right drivers. You provide the truck and we’ll handle the rest.

3. Safety

During uncertain times, safety can fall by the wayside but with a trusted provider, safety always remains a priority. With Centerline, our reputation of 40+ years with a perfect DOT audit record backs that up.

We have specialized safety teams on staff that partner with each driver and customer to ensure all DOT compliance and safety standards are met, no matter what.

A trusted staffing partner can help your business during uncertainty. Contact us today to learn more about our unique business solutions.

How to Leave No Man Behind When Change Hits

It has become critical to be able to update or shift directions quickly based on new information in order to stay relevant and innovative in our fast paced world. While change can be good, constant change can be daunting on your employees. Jeffrey Schwartz, Pablo Gaito, and Doug Lennick took a closer look at how to reshape the way your employees think of change through the lens of neuroscience and behavioral research. They developed a virtuous cycle of focused values. The cycle provides six steps to help a company’s employees refocus attention on company goals and values to lessen the volatile response to the idea of change.

  1. Recognize the need for change: Recognize you’re in a rut and figure out how to get out of it. This step requires you to reflect on your thoughts, emotions and actions. Self-awareness brings individuals to the table.
  1. Relabel your reactions: Change the way you look at a situation by reframing it with the context of why the change is necessary. For example, the intent to do a better job helping clients, shifts the attention to the end goal and removes personal attachment.
  1. Reflect on your expectations and values: Dave Larson, recently retired executive president of Cargill said, “Leaders can either give energy to people or drain energy from people.” As a leader, by reinforcing goals and aspirations of the company every day you create a pattern for your employees to follow. Then when storms arise, you can maintain a steady ship by centering on those values. This is critical for the next step in the process.
  1. Refocus your behavior: Now that you have recognized the need for change, reframed its context, and established your expectations, it is time to bring your habits in line with your goal. Share how you feel, acknowledge how your employees must feel and then draw the conversation to solutions as you move forward.
  1. Respond with repetition: Accountability is key. Put the solutions determined in step four into practice and be sure to hold yourself and others accountable day-to-day. Each day is a new opportunity to start again. Don’t let one bad day ruin the progress of the week.
  1. Revalue your choices in real time: Encourage people to continue to evaluate their thoughts in the moment. By walking through this process, people’s automatic response changes and they begin to be able to weather a storm because the basis for decisions is company values instead of emotion.

If you can create a culture of refocusing attention from the fear of change to shared values, your company will naturally propel itself forward in efficiency.

7 healthy snack ideas for drivers to take on the road

Staying healthy on the road can be difficult. The choices are often gas stations or fast food restaurants, both filled with unhealthy landmines. Packing your own snacks is often the best option for ensuring you’re eating something nutritious and well-balanced.

A healthy snack can keep you alert longer and help trim your waistline. Here are 7 healthy snack options that are easy to keep fresh on-the-go.

1. Vegetables/fruit and peanut butter

Apples celery with peanut butter can easily be pre-portioned and brought on the road. There are many options for peanut butter in single serving containers.

2. Trail mix

This is one of the easiest portable snacks because it won’t spoil and provides a good mix of fat and protein. Make your own by combining 2 parts nuts with one part dried fruit or granola and put a cup serving in a plastic baggie. There are also a lot of recipes for adding your own flavors like bbq to your trail mix.  Or try one of the pre-packaged options, which may be one of your best choices when faced with a gas station filled with chips and candy.

3. Beef or turkey jerky

Picking a brand of jerky that doesn’t contain a large amount of sugar or preservatives can make this snack a great high-protein option. Or you can try making your own!

4. Bento box

Making a bento box filled with healthy options can be a great way to snack with some variety. You can fill it with cheese slices, hard boiled eggs, crackers, fruit (try frozen grapes!) or nuts. Can also make a great breakfast on-the-go as well.

5. Tuna pouches

Tuna now comes in convenient pouches or kits so you can get a good source of protein and omega 3s, with minimal effort.

6. Vegetable chips or popcorn

If you have a craving for something crunchy, there are some good alternatives to potatoes chips. Veggie or plantain chips are now common in most stores and offer more nutritional value than a regular bag of Lays. Popcorn is also a great option for a low calorie but high volume food. 3 cups of it is only 192 calories, making for a highly satisfying snack.

7. Dark chocolate

If you want something sweet, dark chocolate is your healthiest bet. It offers antioxidants and studies have shown that it can help prevent heart disease.

Eating healthy on the road shouldn’t be hard. With a little forethought, you can bring along a few healthy and delicious snacks.