Centerline Drivers Identifies Top Winter Weather Truck Driving Tips

Winter is coming, but the supply chain needs to keep moving. Products need to get to stores and medical supplies need to get to those who need them. For truck drivers, that means driving into and through difficult road conditions. Safety and preparation are the key to making sure that drivers reach their destinations and homes safely every day. Based on discussions with drivers and industry leaders, Centerline Drivers’ has released its list of top tips for winter driving:
Inspect Before You Start
Perform a pre-trip inspection before you get onto winter roads by checking tread depth on tires, making sure your heater and defroster are working and that headlights, marker lights and taillights are operable and clear of snow and ice. Truck drivers should also perform multiple tug tests, as winter weather elements can cause trailers to become disconnected from fifth wheels.
Increase following distance
Because everything takes longer on snow- and ice-covered roadways, you should practice safe distancing on the road. Accelerate and decelerate slowly, increase the following distance to 8-10 seconds and don’t drive in clusters. Distance between yourself and other travelers can provide a clearer line of sight, to help anticipate any challenges while driving. Especially when carrying heavy loads, trucks require a longer braking distance than smaller vehicles. So having an increased distance will provide you the space needed to bring your truck to a safe stop if necessary.
Beware of Flying Droplets
Use tire spray as a temperature indicator. Tire spray on the road generally means that roadways are wet, but if a road appears wet without tire spray, it could mean that roadways have begun to ice over.
Stock up on emergency items
You can face any number of emergencies as a truck driver, as you’re likely to deal with adverse weather conditions like blizzards and ice storms. Having items geared toward winter should include hand and feet warmers, pair of warm, dry socks, hat and gloves, winter boots, and blankets, Even an extra snow shovel or ice scraper or extra windshield wiper fluid, and traction aggregate such as sand or salt, flares, and triangles in case you get stuck or break down. Driving through mountain passes? Know how to chain your tires.
Don’t Take Unnecessary Risks
Even though new FMCSA rules allow two additional hours during adverse driving conditions, don’t risk exposure or weather-related issues. Keep yourself and other drivers safe – when in doubt about the safety of your vehicle or the road, shut it down. The freight can wait!
“Safety is the No. 1 priority for all of our drivers,” said Jill Quinn, president of Centerline Drivers. “Drivers have an obligation to stay safe not only for themselves, but for others on the road. Following these tips will not only keep everyone safe on the roads, but will keep our supply chain moving so that food and products stay on shelves, deliveries continue to be made and medical workers get the PPE they need.”