
Download the full 2021 State of Trucking research report

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The State of Trucking 2021: A Centerline research study

March 19, 2021 Casey Nighbor

So much has changed since our last survey. A global pandemic hit and changed life as we know it. With it came good shortages, a volatile economy and general uncertainty.

For trucking, it highlighted just how important trucks are to our economy. Truck drivers became even more critical as they helped move food, essential goods and medical supplies across the country.

Our second annual State of Trucking survey hoped to gather how the pandemic has impacted employers and drivers and what challenges they face outside of it.

We checked in with both employers and truck drivers to see how the pandemic, the driver shortage and changing regulations have impacted business. Our survey also covered peak season, recruiting and retaining drivers, wages in the industry and more.

We hope this survey offers valuable insight into where the industry stands and what challenges may emerge in the future.

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