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Ask a trucker: Tips for staying safe on the roads this Memorial Day

38 million drivers are expected to take road trips this Memorial Day weekend. Before getting behind the wheel, get behind some safety tips from the people who know best: truck drivers. Safe travels.


5 critical safety metrics you should be tracking for your drivers

As someone who employs or uses drivers, your top priority should be the health and safety of your drivers. One way to ensure you are keeping safety top of mind is by tracking safety metrics.


Centerline’s Mobile Driver Service Helps Homeless Truck Driver Get Back on His Feet

When Diante Epps joined Centerline Drivers in February as a local truck driver, he didn't know it was about to change his life when he decided to start with Centerline's Mobile Driver Service.

Safety Letter

NPTC Safety Article- April 2021 -Remaining Vigilant Against COVID-19

As a professional truck driver, you spend many hours alone in the cab of your truck, but there still are times when you will be at increased risk of exposure of COVID-19. Learn more.


Preventing distracted driving as a truck driver

As a truck driver, there are quite a few things you can do to help lower these numbers and reduce your distractions while on the road for work. Here are a few to consider.


How to combat back, shoulder and knee pain as a truck driver

Truck drivers are a higher risk for back, shoulder and knee pain. But what causes each type of pain and, more importantly, how can you help ease it? We've gathered a few tips for truck drivers.


5 ways to motivate drivers to follow your safety program

You've dedicated numerous resources towards building comprehensive safety programs. But after all of this preparation, are you still seeing a disconnect between your safety program and your drivers?

Safety Letter

NPTC Safety Article- March 2021 -Work Safety Zones

As a truck driver, you need to be particularly careful while traveling through work zones. Here are ways you can travel safe during work and construction zones.


Centerline Drivers helps alleviate food insecurity in Connecticut

Foodshare and Centerline joined forces on drive-through food banks in Connecticut. From February 2020 through March 2021, they provided 6.7 million meals to 250,000 households.


The State of Trucking 2021: A Centerline research study

So much has changed since our last survey. A global pandemic hit and changed life as we know it. With it came good shortages, a volatile economy and general uncertainty. […]


Save gas and stay safe on the road with tips from Centerline Drivers

With spring rolling in and road trips on the horizon, how can consumers and professional drivers alike save money at the pump and stay safe on the roads? Read these safety and cost saving tips


State of Trucking 2021: A driver’s guide

We checked in with truck drivers to see how the pandemic, the driver shortage and changing safety measures have impacted their lives. See how you measure up against your peers.